walking in my shoes
Friday, Jan. 10, 2003

What I am Listening to: Time will tell
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12:28 pm

ok puppy did call me last night, but I think we talked for about two min and my cell dropped that call, but he never called me back, I would have let that go thinking that he would email me in the morning to tell me what happened, but he didn't do that either, not I am not going to jump to some wild "what ifs" but I am waiting to see what he tells me, he does know he still has to prove himself to me, I am not fully trusting of him, I still have that waiting for the other shoe to drop feeling that only time and loyalness can cure

He does mean a lot to me I admit that but I will only let myself be burned once

I am not sure he knows....or maybe he does, of how much of himself he still kepts to himself I don't push that but I do notice

Like the fact I don't know if he even has a home phone or just a cell like I do,

where he lives, mind you he does know all this about me

and I also know all this about my fave which is why he is my fave

which is why not matter how much I feel for puppy I feel he doesn't totally trust me, and cause of that I can't totally let go as well, I need the trust, I need to know they trust me as well

I wonder why he doesn't trust me

*sigh* only time will tell

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