this is my puppy
Saturday, Feb. 08, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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12:51 pm

His Sun in Pisces

�1999-2002 Linda Rankin

The man with his sun sign in pisces exists in a dimension that few of us ever penetrate,. He is emotional, empathic, intuitive and at some point or another usually lacks a sense of inner security or self faith. He usually has some very altruistic ideals and beliefs and he sees life through a different lens and with a different perspective then the majority of those in his life. At his best he can move with the flow of energy around him never losing sight of who he is or what he is about and releases an amazingly strong river of creativity, love and understanding into the world around him. At his worst he can be a dreamer who cannot motivate himself to reach ahead. A pisces man can be temperamental and clingy or passive-aggressive but once he finds his ability to believe in himself there is no other sign that can tap into their souls and reach the depth of vision and truth that he can.

He ahs easily hurt feelings but doesn't hold onto his wounds. He feels rather than intellectualizes his needs and desires. He can promise more than he delivers but he seldom sets out to deceive he merely envisions more than is possible.

He can have incredible spirituality or he can feel spiritually superior. His beliefs are always an important focus for his creativity, his inner faith and his ability to believe in himself.

His Moon in Scorpio

�1999-2002 Linda Rankin

Your Scorpio moon man has some of the deepest and most passionate feelings of all the zodiac signs. He 'feels' on levels most other never experience. When he loves he loves with an intensity and commitment that is all encompassing...when he hates..he hates with totality. How he handles what he feels is dependent on many other factors in his chart with his sun, ascendant and mars being the most important significators. But although the 'actions' may be different any man with this moon experiences a level of feelings that run only from high to low with no in betweens.

Imagine living in a way that everything that was felt was absorbed at its most acute and compelling level and you will understand a little of how this man processes the events of his life through his emotions. It isn't any wonder that he can be very slow and very watchful before he lets anyone in.

A Scorpio moon will be generally very quiet about its isn't one to vocalize and express instant attractions. This man will also tend to wrestle with his feelings...his own way to keep them under control. And control is a very important issue in one way or another to any man who owns a Scorpio Moon. Whether he has learned to control how he acts out on what he feels or whether he seeks to control the objects that he invests his feelings into this realm is one that will be prominent in his life.

There is no other sign that can provide the kind of encompassing and total love that this moon can give.

His Mars in Cancer

�1999-2002 Linda Rankin

The man with his mars in Cancer has a fluid, active and emotionally driven way to reach his needs. He will go after what makes him feel secure and loved. He tends to build security around him and subsequently around a relationship he wants to invest in. He can slowly (or not so slowly) jockey into the position of 'leader'...being in charge feels more secure.

He is usually expressive about his feelings...both the positive and the negative and with Cancer being a cardinal sign he tends to be active and outwardly oriented when he is going after something he wants.

He can use emotional control to reach goals and will usually use his Mars to protect what he feels is his.

This Mars tends to spend a great deal of time protecting and securing personal interests that equate with safety and security.

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