Sunday, Apr. 06, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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2:35 pm

well I noticed that I have a butt now.. freaked me out.. I was always hippy, but my butt was always kindna flatish.. but now I have a butt.. not a big one mind you.. but there is more shape... nice to know... and I found out that I lose some more inches one on my calves and one on my thighs... I wish I just slim down.. instead of a inch here and there, but my mother pointed out that I didn't gain it that can't prove that by me.... but I have been walking more so that is prob why... I was chatting with this guy who wanted to be a sub this morning.... he doesn't really suit me I think he is a bit too much into pain... and he thinks a lot of his looks.. which is ok....I like pretty men as much as anyone... but that is not the first thing on my list....I hate it when sub goes on and on about what they like... that is like they are trying to fit me into some kind of mold.... I made my website to answer questions like that.... plus you can't really get to know someone in one chat.. after talking to him for an hour he asked me if I would collar him... after and hour? get real.. I don't even give out my phone number for 3 months... all but puppy I thin he got it that first week....*sigh*

I am not sure what to do about him I wish I knew what was going on with him...I do still miss him alot....and wonder if he even thinks about me.....yes I am pining.... but I am trying not to be closed too, which is hard sometimes....maybe someday I walk by him in on the street and...well it could happen!!!

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