night of the ball part 1..
Sunday, Apr. 27, 2003

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1:18 pm

oh well its that day after so how was it? amazing... they picked me up from work.. I had all the stuff I needed for the night in a bag I brought with me was my subbie boy for the night and the Host Dom... nice guys both now the host I had been talking to online for a while so I knew that he a kind wild guy but fun, sb (subbie boy) I had only chatted with a few times... he was cute.. but shy.. we got to the house (very cool goth looking) and I met the host sub they are both very cool easy to be did lot of fetch and carry.... and didn't seem very into me, yeah yeah I know we just met..and though I don't think I am all that pretty I am still Domme enough to want someone to fall all over me... I know not going to happen at the fist meeting.. but you can't blame a girl for grilled some burgers and tripped out at my no bread eat don't lost 50 in 3 months eating bread... then we all got dress garter are not for the faint of heart and always put panties on last make going to the bathroom boy didn't seem to be into me.. but I thought maybe he is just shy so I have him help me with my garters .. then lace up my boots.. he really likes feet.. then in that van.. I had my leg over his.. and just look at him.. then he started rubbing my leg and he asked if he could take off my boot.. and rubb my feet though my fishnet hose.. I know I have nice feet, he stated that as well.... I did read his profile on Bondage.. and I knew he liked to be slapped in that face.. and I have brorrowed one that crops my host had for the night... ..I know I am jumping areound just bear with me.. we got there, and went in got a drink walked around and waited for more of a crowd to show up... while waiting I decided to tease him... I was sitting on a couch and he swatted near me I had him on a leash, he was after sub for the night... and I have not had anyone touch me in a sexual way in a long time.. I wanted to me touch... so I took that end of the crop and rubbed it down his cheek and slowly and around his neck..watching him sink in to sub-space a bit.. the I smak his cheek with it not to hurt but it would have been a shock and it was.. and he let out this breath of air.. almost a moan.. and took my bent thigh between his legs to rub...I went back to rub witht e crop.. only to do it again a little harder this time.. first one then the other.... I will have to finish this later

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