Bow 2 the Queen or get the F(*^ out of the way!!...
Monday, May. 05, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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8:50 pm

you know what fuck it..I walking on egg shells.. cause I was blaming myself for something that wasn't my fucking fault.. I didn't lie, I didn't cheat, I didn't take a lovely confident human being and treat them like nothing.. so why I was blaming myself for it?

human nature problem.. lucky for me I am coming to my senses... cause you know what I am that fucking Bomb.. that everyone doesn't see if their fucking loss... but you know what I am not going to hide under some rock (well not long anyway) cause you know what? I want love I want someone to love me and worship that ground I walk on.. because I deserve nothing less than that...

so either Bow to the Queen Goddess or get the fuck out of my way!

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