Planets part 2
Sunday, Dec. 07, 2003

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12:36 pm

Part two

The Moon:The moon drives your deepest feelings, the fine-tuning of your character, your instinct and intuition, your emotions, and your reactions. The moon also rules your private life, especially your home. Since the moon is feminine in nature, it rules your mother and how you perceive her, and does the same for any other important females in your life, including your wife, girlfriend, or a female boss, your grandmother, girlfriend or wife. If the Sun represents where you are going, the Moon signifies where you've been. More specifically, the moon rules your history, your background, emotional development, and your roots. Your ability to get in touch with your feelings is dictated by planetary aspects to the Moon. The dynamics surrounding the moon can also indicate the state of your health, especially if you are female. The moon rules the sign of Cancer, the stomach and breasts, and the light of night (obviously, moonlight). The moon, which takes approximately 28 days to orbit the zodiac, spends two to three days in each sign every month. Every month there is a new moon. Depending where it falls in your horoscope, it shows which areas would be favored for new beginnings. A full moon arrives two weeks after the new moon; depending on where that moon falls in the chart, it could be time to reap the benefits or consequences of earlier actions.

Venus:Venus rules your affections, your heart, love life, and your pleasures, including gifts. This feminine planet also rules beauty, fashion, adornment, and art. The planet of grace makes the world more attractive and fun. There is another thing about Venus that not many people know about: Venus� placement in a chart can also bring strong financial favor and material gain. Venus is the governess of all that is beautiful. Venus can bring to us opportunities to hear music, eat good food, enjoy a beautiful perfume, appreciate a good wine, or be motivated to see a great art exhibit. Venus can even help you seduce your lover. What a dreary world it would be without Venus! Venus is alluring, magnetic and receptive. This is one planet that is never aggressive. (Assertiveness would be left to Mars, her cosmic lover; they make a great pair!) Venus is able to get her way by using charm instead of force. Some see this planet as a bit hedonistic; it�s true Venus tends not to be deeply thoughtful, ethical or moral. Thinking about consequences is a job left to Saturn. Deciding what is just is left to Jupiter. Cold hard analysis of facts and data is Mercury�s job. (The information you get from Mercury is usually quite reliable, because its observations are completely unemotional.) Like Mercury, Venus stays close to the Sun. It remains in a sign for two to three lovely weeks�unless it retrogrades, in which case it can stay in a sign for as long as five months. This planet typically takes from ten to twelve months to tour all twelve signs, though it can take longer if it retrogrades. Venus is the natural ruler of Taurus and Libra.

Jupiter:Jupiter is known as the planet of good fortune. It expands opportunity and the benefits within the house it is visiting. This fortunate planet also rules wealth and solid, financial and material gain. Additionally, Jupiter brings vision, faith, optimism, loyalty, justice, confidence and wisdom. Jupiter paints a broad picture and makes you want to think big. Think about this: take all the planets in the solar system except the Sun, which is really a star, and put them together. Jupiter is physically larger than all those other planets put together. That's why we call Jupiter the expansive planet. This is the Great Benefactor. Jupiter allows us to philosophize and find a higher meaning or purpose in the sector it visits. It encourages reflection, study, and the attainment of higher education. Since long-distance travel is a factor of the education sector, having Jupiter in your sign may inspire you to travel far and wide, or much more frequently than usual. Jupiter is the natural ruler of Sagittarius. This happy planet takes twelve years to circle the zodiac. Each sign gets its blessings for one full year.

Uranus:Uranus rules surprise and all things unexpected. It also rules the future and new technology, including all that is newly invented and all that is unimagined and yet to come. Uranus is the father of electricity. Innovative, unpredictable, resourceful, imaginative, idiosyncratic and experimental, Uranus also rules creativity and scientific genius. Uranus� job is to break rules and demolish established patterns or structures, creating sudden-even radical-change. Uranus always works in sudden ways, and is called the Great Awakener. Uranus gives a strong impulse for rebellion, independence, and even shock. Exciting and liberating, Uranus will overturn anything traditional, conventional or orthodox that it deems has outlived its usefulness. This planet produces quick, liberating results, blending fact with intuition in its quest to discover universal truths. Uranus is considered the higher octave of intellectual Mercury, and is strongly objective and brainy, with no emotional side. Those people with strong Uranian influences in their charts are trailblazers and forerunners in their communities. Since Uranus also holds sway over social change, it also regulates the global brotherhood of man and all humanitarian concerns, including environmental issues. Uranus rules the Aquarius. Finally, Uranus rules astrology. This planet stays in a sign for seven years and therefore takes 84 years to circle the zodiac.

Pluto:Pluto rules transformation. It is the father of the phoenix as it rises from the ashes, the symbol of rebirth. Pluto governs the act of ultimate survival in the never-ending cycle of beginnings and endings. Pluto�s quality as a catalyst for change and metamorphosis cannot be overemphasized. If its cycle is active in a chart, this planet can aid an individual in triumph over the odds. Pluto intensifies and strengthens any sector or planet it touches. It also rules obsessive behavior, taboos and compulsions, even crisis. This planet covers many fundamental issues, including life and death, the ultimate transformation of energy. Pluto rules all that is hidden, unseen or buried, including secrets, undercover work (such as detective or spy work), strategic planning, and even the roots of plants or vegetables. It also drives the unearthing or unmasking of whatever has remained concealed. Pluto takes 246 years to circle the zodiac, with a stay ranging from eleven years to thirty-two years in a sign! The sign of Scorpio is under Pluto�s domain.

Your Rising Sign by Wren Walker

The sign that is on the horizon at the moment of your birth is called the rising sign. Every two hours, a new sign appears on the horizon. This helps to explain why people born on the same day can sometimes be very different in personality. Your rising sign is "how you see the world". It is your outlook on life or window of perception. Ascendants may be different in a professionally cast chart, but the designations below will be true for most people. Look up your birth time (Ask your mother!) in the charts at the bottom of the page under your Sun sign. Rising Sign and Personality: if you read the average Sun sign horoscopes available through most newspapers, you know how general those can be. However, if you know your rising sign (as well as your 'moon' sign), you can flesh out that general reading a bit more. It is recommended that you read the astrological blurb for both your Sun sign and your rising sign. Remember that your rising sign is how you 'view the world'. Directly below are some general personality traits reflected in the twelve rising signs:

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