Over it
Thursday, Sept. 26, 2002

What I am Listening to:
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12:03 pm

Well I am Over the hurt that my fave forgot my B-day, I don't forget I am just over it depends on how he make it up to me *wicked smile*

I have backed away feelings wise we will see how it goes he can be the gemini all he wants and change which is fine I change all the time, but wander away from me too long and you will have to start over with me and win me again, and in a new way. that has always been my way

well in other News someone send me a site to a place in chicago a club if you will for people to get into their roles you have to join before you can even go there no at the dooor stuff it is very classy, I am thinking of signing up and doing my bedroom in a like style soft dark reds and golds

I have this one slave I have been training for a little while in the way I rank them in my head he was kind low, but he has moved up in the rankings he is not as good as some, but in other ways he is so much better I chat with him almost daily even before he goes to bed sometime he lives in europe where as I am in the US, he is one of the few that I know for a fact reads this journal though I try not think of that as I write, cause in here I want to be as open and honest as I can about my feelings and thoughts and if I think about who is reading it is hard to do so, even though I like that fact that all of my slaves may do so I may post a edited piece of his chat one day he always makes me smile

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