Inner Circle
Friday, Oct. 11, 2002

What I am Listening to:
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10:22 pm

"I Know"-Fiona Apple

I don't think I have been being not only to my fave but to some of my other subs, to my fave, who is still my fave, cause I can push all his buttons and I really enjoy that, how he melts with me

Then there is my Italian pet and he knows who he is as, I am his Patrona he is so sweet and so loyal always so willing to learn what I want to teach him he is sweet he still has much to learn, but his willness to learn it shines in him then there is the new one, who thinks he is so mild in BDSM and as far as some kinds of play he is very mild, but his willness to serve take him much deeper than I know some long time players to be and in My world that is what is key.

Now I know I don't write about my girls that much and it is not like I don't play with them I do my fave girl I play with most days she is my jewel. and like my boys about the one thing they all have in common is putting my needs first and in doing so I make sure that their are met.

There are others I play with even one who I didn't really talk about, but these are the ones in the inner circle, they are the ones who can touch my soul or stir my passions or melt my heart. They are mine

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