Saturday, Oct. 19, 2002

What I am Listening to: no song
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7:08 pm

Today is not a good day, even my fave ticked me off, I let him do his thing all I asked was of him to tell me before he logged off, did he? no

New girl did that same thing

It doesn't matter that they prob had good reason for doing so. I am feeling lonely not in a sexual way, which is prob all I would get from either of them, well my fave does better than that on most days

Sub's have no idea that work it takes in Being a Dom I wish that did a lot of giving and not much in return, though most think they do, but I wish that would stop and really think about it

What do I give my Domme?

How do serve her needs?

Do I even know what they are?

Have I ever bothered to ask her?

Does she put conditions on how she meet my needs?

Do I to her?

Maybe I am burning out, or maybe I need more than what I am getting

I was going to call my fave tonight, now I am not sure I even want to talk to him, maybe I will just go away for a while, and see if anyone even notices. Maybe one and that one I will keep, if I do it.

Maybe I just need some sleep

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