question from notes
Saturday, Oct. 19, 2002

What I am Listening to: same
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1:31 pm

"Are you into witchcraft and evil spirits and stuff? Are you gothic? I'm just curious. It just seemed like you had a dark side. God bless you."

Someone left me a note and there was no way to answer the question so I do it here.

Yes I am a pagan Witch I have been one for over 10years now I use to teach a online beginner class, but don't have time anymore.

Evil spirits and stuff? I don't think most spirits are evil, mad maybe but evil ? no if you come across something between the worlds that is evil then it is not a spirit, however, "there are more thing in heaven and earth..." than most people know dark things, that I connect with those darks things is a think that luck of the draw gift-wise I don't always seek them, but they have colored my view of the world, but dark doesn't mean evil

Am I gothic? I don't dress that part (for the most part) but yes there are not many African Americans Gothic-like people but I do know I am not the only one *grin*

A Dark-side? *grin* Goddess yes in spades and I enjoy it, and I don't care if people like that or not, but I know it is what draws some to me

so thanks *smile*

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