There can be only one!
Saturday, Oct. 19, 2002

What I am Listening to: "Mystify" by INXS
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1:00 pm

Well last I was kind of rushed I wanted to update but I didn't have much time.

Now some of these fly by night subs are getting on my nerves "trance me, trance me" I hear day in and day out as much as I love it I am about to take a break from all but my favorites and I will let the rest go. They can't seen to get it though their heads that I am only one person which means:

I have favorites who I will make time for

Others who serve me inbetween that

A Job

A family

Personal interests

and friends

I am not (repeat) NOT at all you fucking beck and call, no means no bugging me about doing online crap will only piss me off, and my mean streak poke out. You really don't know what you getting into, if I am in your head and mad at you, and I won't you I"m mad, (if you know me you should be able to tell) I will just fuck with you.

no I don't swear much but people have been making me mad with all their demands. if I burn out I will just make a new name and only give it to thoses I want to talk to.

Pushing me will get you no where.

Now in other news my new girl is a joy! it is sub like her that make me want to Dom, not just cause she is pretty, I get pretty girls all the time it is the mind that draws me, eye candy is great, but too many sweets aren't good for you, and a mind that will open to me will always lure me.

You that ones that really make me laugh are the fakers, they think I don't know, I do, I put people in real trance I know how they act, I know how they remember, most fakers don't remember little things and that always give them away, my little trance test I call them, just cause I put up with you doesn't mean I don't know you are not a faker.

my Knight buzzed me last night, in the middle of his family crisis he found the time to contact me that was the sweetest thing, thank you

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