Setting the record straight
Sunday, Oct. 20, 2002

What I am Listening to: no music today
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4:40 pm

You know I find most people outside of the African American culture, think they know what we are like...... you don't...... if you are basing your knowlegde on anything from Tv or videos you are sooooo wrong

As a people...mind you I am only talking about those raised in this country... we are very conservtive.... outside of my family I live outside of this black families... and we do think of ourselves as can't get (for the most part) throw out of the family, you can not be in favor, but you would have to kill (a family member) to be cut off

How can they make your life hell if they cut you off...... learning how to live in and out of this group is no small thing.

I bring this up cause I don't think my subs understand when I tell them that I am busy with family things... I am a Pagan... and I am out to most of my family for that... in most black familys you only get one thing, that I am pagan is my one, they will never know that I am Bisexual, and telling them that I am a Mistress is out of the question

I have the kind of family that if I don't show up to to thing gathering everyone once in a while they will come and get me. Hell they don't even ask me anymore if I will ever get married, just want to know when I will have a baby! Babies out of wedlock is not a big deal in my family, and a lot of others that I know of, after age 25 no one cares. In fact my mother doesn't even want me to every married "just live with them" is her fave quote on that holy state.

My close family is easier that, but still very conservtive for the most part, it is just easier to hide things, Hell I live alone, not a big deal

just hide the cuffs and whips when sis and the kids come over, a locked trunk is great for that. *grin*

But just like some of them have to hide so do we Doms

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