Saturday, Nov. 16, 2002

What I am Listening to: Fernando-ABBA
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10:41 pm

OH MY I just got off the phone with my fave. I have to send him to bed he got me so excited I am about to jump out of my skin.

I think the sound of a man breath let slowly shake out as he is fully excited can turn me on like nothing else, I know that is a bit vanilla of me, but knowing that I have got him so excited that his breath come out so shakey makes me breath faster and Goddess knows I am wet.

I know I have giving him suggests to dream of me, but the choice of what is always his, that he choose what he does is.... welll *SMILE* let just say that works out well for me I think I use up my $20 phone card, but Goddess it was worth it.

He is finally making plans to come see me, yes my other pets I will let my fave be the one to break my fast of this long summer and into winter I think it only fair.I was planning on breaking it sooner with my knight, but he has wander away, I am sure that some time he shall return.

But I shall let it be him my choice has been made.

but now it time to go home, and have a long bath, and deal with the wicked things running though my head, as I am much to excited to sleep in this state, yes my pet you have done this, as I have said you have no idea

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