Still in my room
Friday, Dec. 13, 2002

What I am Listening to:
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10:58 pm

I feel like I didn't say all that I was feeling yesterday, I wrote that entries on the run as I was on the phone for most of the night

My fave was wonderful, though I do wonder if he would feel quiet so much from me or need me so much if I didn't hypno him, but then he told me once that he was drawn by my picture, something click in him and he wanted to chat with me, and he is so addicted to hypno, he goes under all the time I have tone this down as much as I can one of the reason I think he is cause he can reach such deep levels of emotion with it, the ones I think most Including me want but fight now to get to most of the time, I think I only wonderful cause I know what i feel for him is strong and intense and is on many levels, the thought of being with him when he is in one of the "I need you" mode, makes me weak in the knees, it has always been my dream for someone to need me like that, to have the power to create it is a heady thing, the time draws near, when I will get just my wish

Now there is Puppy, he also has a piece of my heart just in another way, where as my fave fights his sub-side from time to time, puppy wants to live there, I have talk to others who have said that they were sub, and have even been sort of submissive, but rarely have I met one that was truly so as puppy is who waits for orders, those of you who read Laurell K. Hamilton books, puppy is my (Nathaniel) (and if you don't know her books and you like Horror you are truely missing out) but that is him not in looks, but in everything else

He called me this morning that thank me for our phone chat

Waking up to having whisper "Mistress" in you ear even by phone is a lovely way to way up, I just wish he was there to curl up to, his voice is so soft and gentle like the softest fur

not that my fave doesn't have a wonderful voice cause he does, think Ben Chaplin in the movie "the truth about cat& dogs

they are my boys

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