Too Human
Thursday, Jan. 30, 2003

What I am Listening to: "Fallin'"-ALICIA KEYS
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2:50 pm

ok well I sent puppy one last email I don't know if I am blocked or not but I send it from a addy that I never have before so if that is that case he will get that one.

Well my friends have planted the seed in my head that puppy left me for another Dom, I don't want to believe that I do have to open to the fact thatit could be one answer, and she could of told him not to say bye, which is a very very shitty thing to do, some Doms and well as subs get so caught up in the roll that they forget to be human, and you just don't do that to people, or maybe it is just me

But in anycase I am facing that fact that he might never contact me again and yes it hurts a great deal, and it does make me lose trust in people all but my fave,(though I have not seen him around either) maybe I will give up on having a sub, I will still be Dom I can't change who I am, but not active anymore, maybe I am just too human

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