choices...and pastlives
Monday, Feb. 03, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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2:39 pm

ok I am going to tell the story of my dom-side, but part of that is an email to a friend so I do have to edit it, and take out a few too personal things

I don't know if puppy is reading my journal, or if he is but doing so from another source, if I would him I would

I am not trying to mess up his life

I am not that kind of person, in fact he knows that, which is why he lied in that first place... another thing after she wrote that letter (diva, part of that story) I really thought about what could happen, what it could all mean, and what it is I want, not just from him, and facing some of my fears about relationships, and if giving that chance what would I really be willing to take on.

before I can even think of asking I should know what I am willing to do (she is more than willing) but is both of us that have to live with it

not that I even know that if I would have that offer

its weird, I am not so worried that he will come back, I am pretty sure of that, maybe not real soon

but you know what? I now know why I don't let it go, I knew this before, but I wasn't as deep as I was before

the cards reminded me why.... I even told him why.. he may not have believed me then, but he might now

we, me and him clicked from that very start, didn't we? we just fit like we knew we would.

we have done this before, I don't remember which life it was, I know some of them, but I will, cause we are making the same mistakes with each other, if we don't fix them it will happen again in that next, this doesn't mean that everything will turn out good, we both have choices to make

but I do know one thing for sure

if we do work though this and stay together, it will be amazing and worth everything, no matter how rough

but like I said we both have choices and fears to face

for the lies, which you know is my big thing, *sigh* I can forgive that, with no revenge, or payback or crap like that even she doesn't want that so when you are really ready to face me let me know

by the way, when I passed all those limits via hypno, no one can undo them, mainly cause you don't want them to no matter what you may say, and most of it was there before hand.

If you ask me to undo, I don't know if she will let me.... she..we can be a bit ruthless in her wants

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