I will wait...
Wednesday, Feb. 05, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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4:55 pm

you know what amazes me, I tell people that I am in love with someone,, and they say ok.. only to come back a few days later to ask if I am over it yet

What kind of people are these?

That think it only takes a few days to get over someone

mm lets see my first boyfriend (I don't call him my first love as I know now I didn't really love him)it took me 6 years to get over it, mind you I was planning to marry him

My first real love it took me a long time and I made the mistake of jumping into another relationship right away (never never do this) for all that he intro me to D/s,(he was sub) he made me feel bad about myself most of the time and it took me a while months to join back in the scene again.

that is when I realized the that I have let too many bad relationships make me think less of me, and I didn't really think that way, they did...

So took one of that two good things my ex left me my liking for Dominating sexually (the other is my siamese cat he bought me) and DIVA was re-born in this form

I guess what most don't realized is that sex is easy, but do you really want to have sex with someone who is wishing you were someone else? I wouldn't, I don't love anyone that lightly, no one should, love is openning your sould to someone, not your legs, if I just wanted sex, I could go anywhere, sex is easy, though I have yet to meet anyone other than puppy who could keep up with me *grin*

oh well I think I may have jumped to conclusions with him as well, I most time wait til I hear thing from that horse's mouth, so I will

I will wait til I either get over him, or he contacts me which ever comes first

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