sacrifice ourselves for love
Friday, Feb. 07, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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11:27 pm

(February 7, 2003)

My lover's skin glows like the finest marble,

And I burn to touch it.

I burn with the teasing dance of her glances.

I am on fire, I am aflame,

I cannot think of anything but love.

Venus has abandoned her island shrine at Cypress

To live in my heart.

The goddess will hear nothing but songs of love now,

She will endure no music to stir the blood toward war,

Adventure, or anything but love.

Friends, build a green altar right here,

And lay me down upon it.

Place sacred branches all around my body,

And bowls of wine, and sticks of incense.

I am already a victim of love,

A sacrifice to Venus.

Now let her hear my plea!


Today love no longer rules the cosmos, but is rather a servant of commerce. Sex is used to sell everything. Women's bodies are no longer temples of the goddess. Venus no longer is ruler in her own temple, much less in our hearts. Moneta, goddess of money seems to rule instead.

Love poems like that above, can seem overstated and even silly in this day. Would any of us make ourselves a sacrifice for love? Doubtful.

Our foremothers knew that love is the universal glue; not sex, although that binds us at a deeper level. The love of parents for their children, teachers for students, friends for friends----relationships that are not just human connections, but rather connections on the spiritual level.

By placing the goddess of love once more on the throne of our hearts, we can once more connect with this great force called Love which binds us to each other as well as to the Universe. To sacrifice ourselves for love in this sense means to become whole.

From: The Goddess Companion: By Patricia Monaghan ISBN# 1-56718-463-4

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