a real nice guy
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003

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11:13 am

you know sometimes I put my head in the sand about somethings, my co-worker hates our boss, I never really understood why, I know she is hard to work with, but she is not a bad person so I just didn't get it.

well today I found out a whole mees of stuff she has done to his since she got here, and just a little bit of it is his own making, I can better understand why he doesn't like her, from his point of view, it does seem like he is out to get him, I don't think she is, but then I think she just doesn't like men, and he is very much a guy, but he is getting a bum wrap from her, butI think from now on if I hear stuff coming down the line, I will give him a heads-up, he is too nice a guy for this crap

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