Friday, Feb. 21, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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11:33 pm

Saturday, Feb 22, 2003 Ven Trine Plu


"Passionate explorations"

AFFIRMATION: I enjoy my sexuality. I create new fantasies to fulfill my desires.

During these two or three days you are more sexual, more passionate and, in many instances, more aggressive about going after what you desire. These are the sultry moments when light touches turn into sensual explorations. Moments when you are more open and aware of deep inner (and primal) needs. Staying aware of how you radiate your inherent sexuality keeps you in control of situations that develop. Flirtatiousness is taken seriously. That innocent smile carries more weight and more promise than ever.

As a woman you attract a more naturally passionate man during this time. Know the signals you are giving off. If you desire deep intimacy make that clear. If you're simply enjoying the overtones of this time and are not seeking more...make that clear as well. It's a fun time to experiment a little with a long time partner or lover. Wicked little scenarios can peek into intimate encounters.

As a man you are drawn to women or partners who feel secure in their sexuality. They may be bolder and more aggressive than those you are normally attracted to. Feeling the need for a passionate experience is compelling.

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