I am not the fat lady anymore, so I am not fucking singing!
Monday, Feb. 24, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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4:44 pm

ok I am not going to feel sorry for myself.. well not long in anycase, I am am not give up til the fat-lady sings!


plus my fucking house guess is not yet gone, and she has gotten on my last nerve talking crap all though the grammies!

And on Sunday during "Arsenic & Old Lace" no one talks during Cary Grant!! that is just not done!.. you can laugh.. but, to say one bad thing against the man I was born too late for!... they must be stopped!... I know I promise my mother only to use my powers for good... but some things can not be lived with, and messing with Cary is one of them!

he just got better as he got older.. I really do love older men.... Richard Gere didn't get sexy til he was all gray.... and Mr. Clooney... woo woo!

But don't get me wrong I do still love Matthew McConaughey.... that man is walking sex... have I been watching a lot of TV and DVDs yeah maybe.... but I don't have much of a life right now... I could have one, but I don't want anyone to see me nude til I am thinner... I would not hold to that for my lapdog... but he is MIA or so it seems.... and the others... I am not interested really... so movies it is and writing my story for puppy, course, if he doesn't say anything soon I may take a sci-fi twist *grin* hey its my story I can do what i want.. but it is funny! I am reading "Bourne Identity" as well so not telling where my story will go with all that in my head... mmm a werewolf secret agent Domme... *grin*

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