my off day
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2003

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3:53 pm

well today is my off day, but here I sit at my desk, I am working on a birthday gift for my puppy,

why am I getting him one after all that has gone before, well I just love to baby him, he is my baby... no babies don't always do what you want them to, but they don't stop being your baby

and I know his eyes will just light up

one of my Dom friends told me I pay a lot attention to details when I do things, and yes I do with me most of the time it is all about the details

like if I could get him that gift I really wanted it would be that the whole set of the scent I want to smell on him, from the shower gel the shaving lotion, I would track it down, cause that is just the way I am

ahh if I had my way.. but as I say life doesn't always go that way you want it to go and all we can do is live it

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