last note of the night
Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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9:14 pm

ok I realized something though I love women, everything about them, the smell, the taste, the softness, I get along better with men, I am the one female at work that hangs out with them, and I am not tom-boyish, and I can be as girly as they come, but I still love hanging with them, I have been told by many a woman that I think like am man... is that a good or bad thing...

in other news, I am not sure about these sub who look for just a Black Domme it is one thing if you just you just like us cause you do.. but the one who come at me thinking they are going to find some Ghetto Queen.. you are barking up the wrong tree.. not to say that I can't, but it is just not me style.. if you ever see me act like that I would run if I were you, cause that would mean I got so mad I forgot my manners, I was ready to fight, do I fight? not really, will I fight?... well my aunt has too saying to that

if you are feeling frogish, Goddamn it leap

or.... if you play pussy... you get fucked

you just gotta love old black women!

well I have my puppy back not like i want, or like he wants to be, but for now it is enough, he is feeling so guilty, I wish he would just let it go, let lease the part on my side, I don't it, don't need it, it is excess

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