it doesn't matter anymore
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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6:27 pm

you know I hate it when people ask me what is wrong, cause that trust is that they don't really want to know, they just ask cause that think they should... cause if I really show them my pain, then what, you give me some pat answer of how things will get better in time.. well that is bullshit.. cause no everthing is not alright,.. but that doesn't really matter does it, cause you don't really give a damn one way or the other...

you don't care

that I am lonely.. so much so that I ache with it

you don't care that I love someone so much, I hurt with it.. and I can't fucking have him.. and on top of that I don't think he even cares anymore.. I am not sure if he ever did,

cause I am not a real person, to most

I don't know if I am real to myself anymore, or I am just words on a page

it doesn't matter anymore that is that one thing I do see very clearly

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