why do I bother?
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2003

What I am Listening to: hurt nin
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5:40 pm

ok I did it I'm done

I work on it for almost two weeks and it is done.. what is done you ask?

puppy birthday gift

Why did I do it, well one cause I said I would.. and two.. cause even though I ...... you know what? I made my best friend a promise that I would not be negative about my love life for lent, yes I am still a pagan, but I did it for her, but I find it very hard not to be,.. when most of the men I know, put me last on that list, I am a after thought as best.. doesn't matter that I don't think of myself that way, this is real life.. and I knoiw what I am...doesn't mean I am happy with it, or that is what I wanted out of life.. it just means I am real with myself about what I will really get

I know...I know... just how important I am in the greater scene of things (not very) and I am real enough with myself to know that I never will be....doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt, not even to be thought of....but like I said this is that real world... and most of you would not even look at me when you pass by....you don't wonder how I get home at night, if I am safe or not, you don't care, I am not real to you.. you you,

I am nothing.

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