HA... who needs who first?....
Wednesday, Mar. 12, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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1:42 pm

ok how do they do it.. my sisters, my mother told me that my one sister, the one I get along with most... was in a deep depression over the fight, and got drunk over it.. she would...*sigh* the bad part is that I am not even mad anymore.. but I still want them to say they were wrong..(cause they were) but her looking at it as me choice house guest over them is dum.. I was choosing myself.. and she should feel guilty cause it was both of them that did the name calling.. my other sister as I thought doesn't really care... not I am not going to stop talking to my sisters forever.. they are my sisters after all...but I will let them stew awhile...course if she calls me first I will talk, so we will see

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