Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003

What I am Listening to: home -DM
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5:10 pm

well my life is not my own again, the psycho is gone.. and she took all her stuff,, and even cleaned behind herself.. and left one of my keys.. and I number I can reach her so I can get the other one back.. but I am just so glad she is gone... plus I talking to my sisters again.. no they didn't get why I was really mad... but I can't change them only myself.. and I made a point even if the point was lost on them.... they of course are calling me the Primadonna.... hey I'm Domme that doesn't bother me and they have been calling me that all my life.... just means I fit my chosen roll....

well with no roommate that mean I am free to have sex again... not that doesn't mean I will run out to the first guy who ask.. I probably won't for a another month or two still.. I want to get use to being really me again in my home before I even thinking of inviting someone into my body... even for worship.....

there are one or two I make the exception for... but somehow I don't think it will come up.... oh well

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