pint of blood...pound of flesh...
Saturday, May. 24, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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10:24 am

ok that is it I have had it.. I am pissed off not peeved as I always like to say... that whole paying more attention to my cat thing.. over the top...ignoing me doesn't ever go over well with me... and it will make me mean.... and now that I know it was in some way a ploy in some way to make me mad.. makes it worst.. cause now I am really want me to be Dom well damn it act like a sub...most of the other think of that ground I walk on as something special.. well acting like its not... hurts my feelings then it pisses me off...its funny I keep trying to tell people that they don't want me mad, but do that you have not idea what i will do when I am mad.. I am a hypnoist.. I don't need to think it works for it to work.. in anger I willmake you a slave.. when all you wanted was to be a sub.. ask tomtom, he was only just curious.... but he kept throwing that glove at me.. it took a while... I don't like dares...but now he is a slave and knows that errs of his ways... and is a very good boy now..

Now it seems subbie boy needs to also learn that lesson....

The Goddess wants a piece of his ass now....pound of flesh pint of blood...

Being a Witch I always say be careful what you ask just might get it

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