the really thick wood.....
Tuesday, Jun. 10, 2003

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5:03 pm

you know I am really getting bad.. there are re-doing some of the offices in my building and the torn out some of the doorway frames.. and they are all plied up nest to the ladies rooms I think I stood there for about 5 mins trying to think of a answer good enough to why I wanted one... without really telling the reason.... I didn't come up with one.. now I could just ask my mother... if I could have one, but the reason would have to be really good for her.. and if she came to my place how would I hide it ...

Mom- why are there is hooks in that frame you got from work?

Me- er uh.. I need to tied thing sup high sometimes

mom- ok now tell me what you really use it for

so I have to leave them there and just go on with my dream and a St Andrews cross.... and it is really thick wood too

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