different kind of fun...
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003

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11:21 am

ok I know I know its been a few days.. I really have been busy.. not with subs or anything just with work.. and family.. I have for a change been doing some work at work and getting a lot done.. and was hanging out with my sis and mom.. not doing too much.. I am once again at work.. and I have gotten a lot done today which is why I have some time to write in here.. I have some time off I had to use.. and now I am done with that.. so I hope to get back into the gear of things... what does that really mean... well going to try to start working out again... if its not too hot.. at least more walking which I have start again which is good, I even started doing the stairs... since on one day the lift in my building went out.. and it was so hard doing the steps I thought I should just do them a few times a week, so its not so hard.. plus it like a built in stairmaster... *grin*... I'm still looking for a subby... and even though I do love playing with tomtom... for now I have to be practial.. and think a bit closer to home... though to be truful he is mine already... he though hypno would be less on the phone.. I proved him wrong...yet again... I think he just likes to throw dares at me.. just to see you know.. but its fun on both sides.. keeps things interesting...and these days I tend to search fo a bit of fun.. not that playing isn't fun... but it more work that the mental kind of fun that me and tomtom have...

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