get over yourself.. I did!
Sunday, Jul. 20, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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5:03 pm

ok I am mad.. not really mad, but peeved, yes that its.. ijust found out that subby boy that I dated and he dumped me, has been avoiding me cause like most dum males thinks my feelings would be hurt if we were only just friends..

gee and I thought my feelings were hurt when he dumped me... you know I just knew he wasn't beeing straight with me on that.. what a idiot.. we could be been friends all this time... I'm a big girl.. I can take it.. like I have never been told no before.. please, and like he is so great.... please the truth, I forgot I did the deed with him...

I mean do some men think they really are that good?... come on now

look I may not see myself as pretty, that doesn't mean I don't know that men find me beautiful...

I mean subby boy was ok.... but I have had model-like guys after me.. hell body-builder guy would be gorgous with a better haircut.... then there is tomtom.. with the chin you just want to bite into its so square.. and Jon he the British actor! enough said there...

not that its all about looks, but my point is, did he really think that he is so wonderful that I would have hard time getting over him... I may get hurt a bit I admit that.. but I do have my pick of more choice subs... I mean even when I when go to the club all came up to me, one at a time.. but all did...

and now that I have lost so much weight and I am still losing it... lost another inch on my hips FYI... I don't lack for attention.... the nerve!

Abner: Let me make love to you.

Wonder Woman: Why?

Abner: You're a very beautiful woman.

Wonder Woman: I mean, why should *I*?

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