Being Domme, doesn't mean I'm not a romantic!
Tuesday, Jul. 22, 2003

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4:46 pm

you know I think I am bit sad today.. in my search for a sub.. I have run into a lot of fake people... oddly enough other than one or two, most real subs I have found have been in europe some where.. here I only tend to find those that think they can just use me for sex

some one asked me that other day how can I be a romantic and a Domme.. and didn't they clash.... I didn't at the time really know how to answer the question.. but now that I think about it why should it.. just cause I like to spank and flogging and other kinky things, and be the one in control.... doesn't mean I don't believe in love.. or want to love someone or be loved... why would that clash with how I like my sex?

and is that the real problem for so many? that they same it as two seperate things... I mean I don't see sex as love.. but that doesn't mean I never want to love the one I have sex with, no matter how I take my sex...

so I think its sad to so many think I just sleep around.. I don't, I'm a normal single person who loves sex.. doesn't mean I sleep with anyone or everyone... sometimes its just about the sex, and sometimes it about more...

but Lifestyle BDSM people are the same as everyone else.. other than the kinks

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