men just don't get it...
Monday, Jul. 28, 2003

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12:42 pm

ok I had a long chat with tomtom yesterday... about relationships.. and he was telling me how some men assure that the women they walk up too is attracted to him.. and if not they will tell them.... I was telling him I think I lot of men think this.... but the down side that is many when told in a nice way.. don't want to take no for any answer.. I don't like to hurt people feeling by saying straight out I just don't find them attractive.. cause I wouldn't want someone to say that to me.. so I never say it to any one else.. what I say is I just don't feel it working... and mostly what I get "if you just get to know me better".. and that is true in most cases.. but there has to be a base level of attraction.. that may seem shallow but its true.. and if that is not there.. on some level it is just doomed.. at least for me that is.... I am not sorry for being this way.. I am what I am.. I'm not going to change on that part.. and being Domme.. why should I *GRIN*

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