back to my own life
Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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6:33 pm

well.. my grandmother is gone... no I have not cried.. and to be honest I have no plan on letting myself do so...I am not really happy with my sisters right now for amost the pass week I have been living here to help my granny.. and giving all my free time, when I wasn't working or sleeping

right before she passed I had gotten to the point where I could do her meds by my self.. there where a lot of them... I was here to here her scream when me and the nurse and my aunt had to turn her.. and now that we are doing the funeral... no one but my aunt cares what I think, or what I have to say about anything.... where were they during the real work... ok one sister was, but the one that has just been running over everything I say.. so I just shut up.. I have been up since 4am it was me that had to make all the phone calls to tell everyone

oh well, I guess I will just go back to my life

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