day in the life...
Sunday, Sept. 07, 2003

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2:25 pm

ok, so I am going to see the tgirl again.. for play and I am going to try and trance her,, she is a bit hyper so getting her to calm down for a bit will be work, but I am hop not too bad since she is very submissive to me... she has been wondering about trainning, if she trances well then training in the way I want can begin, if not then I will have to do it the old way.. not truely my choice way of doing it but one works with what one has... just cause she is real time doesn't mean I want to let all my other online boys go in fact its been awhile since I have hear from tomtom I know if is about cause he added my new email to his list so I know he is about from time to time... but he is writing and I did want to give him time to do just that....

my friends have build themselve a dungeon and I must say it is pretty cool.. I might just have to take the tgirl over to play... she is such the show off anyway we will have to see how that goes

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