Tommy saved the day...
Sunday, Oct. 19, 2003

What I am Listening to: n/a
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4:17 pm

ok tommy made my day today.. he came and online and chatted with me... tommy is good in that way even though he doesn't like to admit it.... he likes to be all pricky on that outside and his middle is made out of butter... once one get pasted his mouth that is... the joy that mad takes in teasing me....sick I tell you just sick

but he is very funny...see I can laugh at myself....

but I depend on him more than he knows sometimes.. he is always there when I need him... he is my rock

ok I did get one request for the title of the book on braiding leather so I will share that

"leather braiding" by Bruce Grant

is a old book so look in your library you never know

and his other book called:

"Encyclopedia of rawhide and leather braaiding".... I know what I am going to try making if I every find some roo leather is this

ok I know that is reaching a bit high but I think of it this way it I do it I will have one... but I am willing to give it a try anyway

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