a semi fucked up day.
Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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3:15 pm

you know I really should know better by now.. I really should.. I knew things were going too good... if you wait long enough that other shoe will always drop on your head.. and for a change it not one of that boys.. their shoes over all are easier to deal with...

you know I tryed very very hard not to over spend this month.. and I was doing great... even that comforter.. which I wasn't sure of was out of cash that I had to spend.. and now I just looked at my account and there is money gone and I have no idea what it is for yes I will go to the back and see, but I don't think I will get the money back or the overdraft fees.. which will will leave me fucked for the next month and I was doing so well too

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