just quized I found
Friday, Dec. 12, 2003

What I am Listening to: still nothing
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3:20 pm


You Are Dominant!

If you're giving out whippings, then this is no surprise to you

But being dominant doesn't neccisarily mean you are a sadist

You might just take the lead, call out positions, or decide when it's time for sex

Bottom line: The bedroom is your domain, and anyone who gets with you knows it!

Are You Dominant or Submissive?

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tough bra

Your bra is a TOUGH bra!

Your bra is one tough bitch.

If you bra competed in sports, it would be a quarterback.

If it listened to music, it would rock out to Joan Jett.

If it had legs and teeth, it would kick ass and chew bubblegum.

A bra that would fit you is a bra that has seen a lot of action.

And not even necessarily THAT kinda action...whatever hasn't killed you, has made you stronger and like the elastic in your bra, you spring back every time, supporting your load like a real trooper!

What Kind of Bra Are You?

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