I think I freaked of my friend
Saturday, Jan. 10, 2004

What I am Listening to: nothing
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4:17 pm

ok I have been kind been waiting all day to write this, not cause I ahve been so busy but I have just been trying to get my thoughts together.

first I want to say that I have made a kind of cast page.. so people can get a idea of who I have been talking about, but I didn't use real names so don't go on that net looking for them, I know that some people would do something weird like that, or try to guess and use one of my triggers on one of my hypno subs... one I would never leave one my boys open like that, and two my triggers are set up so that they only work for me or the sound of my voice...

next I had a long phone call with nita last night... mostly about her thing with latinlaw and when she is just going to throw in that towel and just seduce him.. or in her case open that door for him so he can seduce her... she is all in a twist cause he has a GF which is dum... I know people always say do on to others, and that is true to a point, but said gf didn't really care that nita and him had this thing when she butted in, so why all this respect for her, its bullshit, and I told her so.. and since when is is bad to love someone.. and and want them to love you back.. well its not, but that is not the point of this post... nita asked me if I would have sex with baby when I visited him in that spring.. and I told her truth, I known know for almost two years and he is also my hypno slave.. that chances are pretty good that I will with him.. and she asked me how?

now before you ask she doesn't mean how will I have sex with him.. but she knows that with me he pretty much stays in his baby role, and she wanted to know how will I have sex with him if he is a baby...

it was at this point I started to get a bit un-comfortable talking about this with her.. the reasoning being that if you have to ask that kind of question, then you are viewing that whole thing as something that its not... I can understand that .. cause before I started doing this I did bit of that in my head as well... many mix age play, with likelying real children.. and that is not true not even a little cause you aren't dealing will a child, but a adult who is acting like one.. and though many don't really mix sex into it

baby does

how to explain this... I have known others that wanted me to play this with them and I always said no..why you might ask... one cause most who asked I didn't really know well... and I don't think I fully knew why I always said no til now....

in talking to nita and trying to explain it to her.. and getting the feeling that as open as her is on some matters this freaked her out, not on a big scale but it did, but is seeing that I realized just how much trust baby had given me to share this with me... but also how much I was trusting him to... it may seem as if he were that one to open that door, he wasn't

I did... while we where playing one day he had a regress moment.. and I could have let it go at that... but after I asked him about it and I knew that in asking where it could go.. I knew this... he might have been that one to let me see in that room but I opened that door... and wanted to walk in.

if you ever do any reading on adult babies or even age play they go one and on about that baby role of it and what it means and how it got there. not once has anyone talked about the Mommy or Daddy role in it...

it isn't one sided at all, and its not about playing that games that subbie wants.. I enjoy being his Mommy big time... he is to the point that he never fully comes out of his baby role with me.. not fully.. we can talk about reg things and we do, but I am always Mommy to him and he is always baby to me... we don't even use our reg names and have not for a long time now..

but in talking to nita I think that part that bothered her was that it was sexual... it always was with him.. no matter what role he plays.. sex was always a part of it.. even while he is a baby.. and yes I know how weird that sounds.. and I know even some kinky folk would think that is just off that charts... but it doesn't feel that way

it might be unusual.. but not really more so than the other things to vanilla people

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