this is too funny!
Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2004

What I am Listening to:
0 Comment?

5:15 pm

ok this was just the funniest thing I have ever read on one of the forums, that I thought I would re-post it here too as well

Having seen thread after thread on the subject of emails from people who don't read profiles, people who don't match the requirements stated in profiles, people who might be HNG's and people who are otherwise creating emotional discord by their persistent interest in someone who does not return the favor, may I suggest the following response:

Thank you so much for writing to me. When I went to bed last night, I couldn't get your email out of my mind. I dreamt of you all night. Well, okay, I did more than dream - and I'm already on page 63 of a story I am writing to describe to you just how much more than dream I did.

If you don't mind, I'd really just like to skip the boring getting to know you phase. I can tell that you are my soulmate. I'd like to just move in with you. This weekend is good for me and I've already called several moving companies. I'll need your credit card number so I can reserve with one of them. Don't worry, it's not that expensive and I only have 11 rooms of furniture and boxes to bring.

Oh, I will also have to bring my mother. She is 87 and in really good health except for the incontinence. We just keep blue pads down on the furniture and have taken up the carpeting. I have a pit bull (he will take a little getting used to as he's quite protective, but it's okay, I've been bitten by him a few times and the wounds have healed quite nicely). I also have a canary. She's so beautiful! She just sings and sings and sings all day.

Do you have your own dungeon? Or power tools? Is there a really active community where you live? I hope you're not one of these silly people who hides your interests in the dark. I have been avidly campaigning for equal rights for sadists for years. I have a few other activist interests as well in the bdsm area. The humane society, PETA and a few other of those Nazi type groups are constantly harassing me, but I will prevail. I hope you'll join me in my efforts. It would be so good for the cause to see a strong and commited couple embracing the lifestyle with enthusiasm and zeal!

Please write back soon, I am dying to hear from you!

Just my little bit of input on the subject.

Respectfully submitted,


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