good thing come to those who wait
Friday, Feb. 27, 2004

What I am Listening to:
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7:16 pm

ok now that I am done with that rant I can move on that the next.. no baby still has not called or Im'ed me not i'm sure why.. and I starting to think something happened to him.. he doesn't answer my voice mail either... but I won't stop trying...

cause he did promise me.. some something must be wrong...

in good news that matters to no one but me I finally got a new cell phone.. and I updated my service as well so I can now call anyone in that US.. yeah that was the main reason I never called... no LD but I changed that so now I can do more calling myself bugging nita and matty more *grin* and baby if he ever find out what happen to him... but I trust him so I will wait.. i'm patient I always have been... i'm not sure why... maybe good things come to those who wait

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