Time for WAR
Saturday, Mar. 06, 2004

What I am Listening to:
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5:13 pm

you know I was adding some songs today and re-did my old entries page too while I was at it.. and I have been doing some thinking.. I could very well do like I always do.. and sit around mopeing.. which is not really doing much of anything.. but I am not going to do that...in fact I think I will do just the opposite from it.. it will still take the same about of time.. but I am not going to change my plans, in fact I am going to make this more of a reason to see them though to the end... cause I always say what I am willing to do.. but I don't always do it.. well this girl has a plan... and on this full moon a very special ritual will take place cause itis not time to put actions into words...

its time for WAR..


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