worth something
Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2004

What I am Listening to:
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2:16 pm

I always wonder about people's honesty, not cause I am dis-honest cause I'm not, I guess I am always shocked when I findout that someone has lied to me.. cause it not something I do, I am not saying I have never lied I have, but there came a point I realized that I was becoming too good at it even skilled, to the point I could get most to believe most anything... and I didn't like what that was making me into I was about 18 or 19 at the time about the time I became a pagan and one of the first things I learned was that words have power, in just about all forms

why do I bring this all up cause I also know that most aren't honest I I am and I also need to stop believe that people are telling the truth when more likely than not they are lieing.. a sub I have known for along time is always telling me that he buying me things yet in this time I have never even seen a pic of it and now he wants to come visit and the first thing he says is how he can't bring most of it.. which leads me to believe ne never got any of it to begin with, but the one thing he claims to have gotten that he is bring with him is a fur...yeah right...

and in thinking of that I am not sure why I believe anyone else either, I think over all I am problably easy to lie to cause I tend to think better of people than they are... which is why I just end up hurt so much.. well let just say I am starting to open my eyes on that one and just put people to the test failing the test is not the end of the world just I will know not to trust you, why should I.... and no i'm not sour or bitter just very very very tired of always being on that short end of everyone list being used so much and never getting anything back, and of people thinking that just cause I'm single and live alone that I never risk anything that my time and effort are worth nothing

I'm not nothing

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