the Gods are with me again
Saturday, Mar. 27, 2004

What I am Listening to:
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12:09 pm

ok I know I have not really been in here for a while but I needed a break and it was worth it I feel like a new person I feel like I have been in touch with the Goddess and the Greenman... and everything just looks better I saw 5 red-tail hawks flying around my building for the past week their wing-span is just awsome to see just makes you look in awe at the beauty of them and a bit of wildness in the middle of the city I start to be very very strict with my diet again I never went off but I wasn't strict with it either but I am back on track and I am also working out everyday now and I'm sore as fuck but its a good sore they kind you enjoy having cause you know you are doing something... the Greenman told me not to worry about my love life so much everything happens for a reason.. and that I need to worry more about myself instead of everyone else... so I went back to my first love Paris and I am going to really try to learn french this time but I got a lot of books I want to go though...

I'm just not worried or mad or sad or upset i'm just happy, and I'm glad to be happy right now i'm enjoying it I feel the pull of spring on my soul and she has been tugging at me and I wasn't listening but I am now and it feels so good like a pulse running your veins you, re-newing you

the Gods are with me again

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