the next piercing
Saturday, Apr. 10, 2004

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4:44 pm

ok I have been thinking about doing the one thing I thought I would never do cause in my own head it was so over the top.. but I am rethinking it and I am really wanting it... its a another piercing of my hood, its one I never thought I would want but I have been wanting it... I like watching and careing for them as they heal I guess its my own weird way of dealing with things but it helps I was going to wait til after my trip but I don't think I will my lip is healed now and I think I really want this.. it will cost me about 65 plus tax and can heal as fast as two weeks and as long as 6, but the aveg is about 4 weeks... this one guy I talk to all the time locally Mostly about his business deals and what he is working on next said he would go with me and I was shocked cause no one ever goes with me, I always go alone ever for all but one tattoo I went alone, no one ever wanted to go with me before, i'm not sure why he wants to go.. he said its a bonding thing but why would he want to bond with me? I mean he is married, I guess I don't get it.. but then I don't get a lot of things.. or the why that people do them.. but then I guess that same could be said for me, but I don't think I am that hard to get unlike some people I know.

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