what is going on with me of late
Tuesday, Apr. 20, 2004

What I am Listening to:
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12:02 pm

you know my life is just getting weirder

I am a pagan and a Domme and bisexual

my mother has just been ordaned as a minister for her church all she knows about is that pagan part.. no she is not all that happy about it but doesn't tell me I'm going to hell either... but over all that is a weird combo to deal with not sure how I fit it all together in my head but somehow I do...

Well that one thing I notice when seeing my sisters on Sunday is I am now that smallest sister.. I was always the fattest of that three of us even growing up.. but my youngest sister who I had not really seen in a while it seems gains a lot of weight and due to her height (5'9") is now bigger i'm not sure which of them is the bigger of the two and I don't really care, my little sister is now on that same diet I am on which is good cause now I have someone else to be on it with and she knows it works from all the work I have done on it.. but it still feels to be the smaller of the 3 of us..

well the one other thing that has been going on is baby yes he is back but I don't think I want to talk about him much here just I guess he is too private a thing for me now sorry

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