little vanilla train-driver boy!
Saturday, May. 15, 2004

What I am Listening to:
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4:06 pm

ok I don't know what it is about me that appeals to the train drivers here (the subway in my city) but last night in a very round about way the driver asked me out. or rather why I have not asked him up to my apartment... one, he would have done better to ask me for my phone number and then asked me out... but to ask me if he could come over.. that is a bold thing to ask someone when you don't even know their name.. maybe I just have that kind of face... all this was said after he asked me if I had any friends cause he always sees me alone.. mine you I am always coming home from work at the time.. how many people do you know that ride the train home together... well i'm not one of those people and I don't really want to be friends with the people I work with I don't want them that much in my personal life... but to be honest no I don't have that many local friends.. plus I don't have a car so that means I don't go to many things as most of the things I would go to, you need a car to get to... so I'm mostly alone, that is life I live with it, its not like he cares other than to see if he can get into my pants... and little vanilla boy that I think he is couldn't handle it... he can't be 25 even... I try very hard not to date non-BDSm people, which means I don't go out that must, but i'm not into being called a freak every again either

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