Naked walking guy!
Sunday, Jun. 06, 2004

What I am Listening to:
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10:25 am

ok sometime one can just have a fucking weird day.. and for once it not me.. It started that I got up early and as I always do, my cat was under the covers at my feet as she tends to do after I fall asleep.. she sometimes wakes me up when she is hungry and waiting to be fed by licking my arm... which is a nice soft way of waking me without being throw across that room she is a smart cat but then most siamese are so we get up I use the bath room and get her fresh water she has a water dish in that bathroom and drink from that one that most.. and then she just looks at me and starts almost crying.. now I know that siamese are very talky cats but I have had her since she was a kitten I could hold in the palm of one hand and she has never been overly talky other than when she is in heat and I know that cry, and this didn't sound like that.. I though she was in pain and she ran into back into my room and under that covers it was so weird I went after her to check her to see if her was in pain some where she wasn't,.. I checked her litter box *note: if something is wrong with you cat check the stool, gross yes but better than a dead cat, I went to see if she had use it.. if she was block in some way there would be none.. she had so that wasn't it... and she let me pick her up but she and wanted to be petted so no pain.. and then she started to act like she does when in heat.. but that was so weird... my poor baby will be getting fix this summer... yes I love my fucking cat

So I got dressed, fed her and turn on that TV so she doesn't think she is alone all day, yes cats get lonely and walked to the middle of downtown I don't live far and I always walk to it on sunday and saterday... to my bus stop, I also take the bus on those days as it is faster than to the trians on that weekends I don't know why but it there I am watching that birds as its early not quite 8am someon left a bag of hald eaten dounuts and I toss that to the birds to watch... and mind you I am standing outside of two of that bigest hotels in cleveland... and where half that cabs in that city seem to hang out in that morning cabbies no where to be seen..

SO I turn my head and look to the front of that hotel door.. that have a few doormen or what ever you call them but they must be on that inside... now most of that time there are always a few people leaveing that place even on sunday but there must have been a pause of some kind between people leaving I look and what do I see but and guy with no shirt and his pant and underwear around his ankles walking down that sidewalk.. my mouth just drops open.. cause it seems that no one sees him but my a cop drives by and doesn't stop... so he can't have seen him and truck pulls up will two painters guys and they don't see him either they just get out of thier trunk ... mind you this guy is like right in that middle of the sidewalk was so weird... this is Cleveland for all that we are a city stuff in public on that level will get you put in jail but no one but me seems to even notice this guy and he then puts on his clothes.. and just stands in front of that hotel... like he had been there all along.. and then all that people start coming out.. just fucking weird, but funny.. not sure what the rest of that will be like

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