yeah for dairyqueen!
Wednesday, Jun. 02, 2004

What I am Listening to:
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6:59 pm

ok I admit th sometime I am a bit of a drama queen i'm not sure why I do this and to be honest I mostly do it in my head or in here,.. for the most part I wait before I really fly off but in my head I am just gone thinking the worst of that worst... I think its cause I think if I think of that worst thing then it won't happen not sure where I get this weird bit of logic from and it doesn't always work but til I get another plan of somekind there it is but yester was a over all good day just that last little bit wasn't to my liking and I hope never to do that part again and to top it off my train pass flew out of my hand just as the train can and I had to go on that tracks to get it and yes the train waited with everyone looking at me.. I wish the train would have just ran me over it would have been better and it was raining that just was the capper on that day...but I got to see one of my fave commicals the one about dairy queen and the guy with the baby on the chest harrness and he is telling the baby that the ice he got is for daddy and the baby kicks him in that nuts.. that gave me a much needed laugh and I felt better

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