get out of Jon's head
Sunday, Sept. 05, 2004

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11:24 am

ok I have a few pet-peeves today.. someone has been in jon's head calling him pretending to me be me I have a good idea of who it is.. his old Domme and it is she is only practicing again on him.. in one sense it not a bad thing cause she has made him focus on me.. but I think jon is more than a little in love with me though I think he has been for sometime now and I am not sure what to do about that... I think face to face jon wouldn't like me much... to be honest I think that about everyone.. and I tend to be wrong I admit that too... I do know now that I am not ungly or anything close to that.. but I still have a hard time remembering that or seeing myself that way that others do.. whichis problably a good thing...

but I don't like that someone is in Jon head I have always felt very protective of him Jon has been with me as long as baby has both I think will always be with me.. I know that in the end one of these old days I will end up with one of them 247...maybe

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